A birthday gift from a good friend!
The happy little one is our third child and this is her 8th birthday.
Trying to take pictures of this very happy and energetic kid...
She is looking at her big sister who is in support sport because I was concerned there might be problems.
![Photo: Our youngest preschooler](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/1185826_10201255034473906_1276482024_n.jpg)
Bubba started doing 'Big Boy Chores" he very proudly dumps all the trash cans into the big can in the kitchen! I think we'll put him on the tractor next. ;)
For more you can check out http://ourmothersdaughters.blogspot.com
Such sweet pictures and YUM on the steak!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I cut the steaks in half and have been enjoying them and will for weeks. ;) Everytime I have one I smile and think about my sweet friend.
ReplyDeleteNow that is a good friend, someone who gives you steak! Happy birthday! And those photos,how precious. I know how hard it is to get a picture of a wiggly tot!
ReplyDelete@Amy yes she is! She knows money is tight and that I LOVE steak...it was a wonderful surprise! Oh yes Our Shoo-Shoo is definitely a wiggler! Thanks for stopping by!