Thursday, October 24, 2013


 ~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~  


Daddy & the twins arrived home before before us . . . we pulled up, he was reading. . . Wynken, Blyken & Nod by Eugene Fields. . .the twins spell bound... a precious moment frozen in time.  

"And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers...". Malachai 4:6

It's always me. . . finding snakes under stones...the children rejoiced with the find...standing in line to pet his to the door we also found .. a love stick bug, which raised qutie a stir. All the children wanted to see the bug that looked like a tree.


This was not funny ha!ha! so much as FUN, our piano teacher had this toy out for our twins enjoyment. The toy plays a song as you add insturments to the middle additional instruments start to play. So you start the song and there is no noise then you add a piano, trumpet & violin and the toy adds those instruments to song. Really, a wonderful toy and our whole family happened to be at lessons that day and we all throughly enjoyed it, very FUN!


Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!    Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Psalm 100:1

We are doing home improvements . . . so we bought pea gravel . . . forgot to lay our tarp down.. gravel poured out of our trailer like rain . ..we headed to Lowe's and bought tarps.


. . . then on the way home . . . we got a flat. 
There was no acrimony just a quiet realization that the Lord is in control and we should praise Him in the  storm.


 "Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens--what can you do? They are deeper than the depths of the grave--what can you know? Job 11:7-8

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